What MERV Rating is Needed to Combat Pet Dander and Allergies?

For pet dander and allergies, it is essential to use furnace filters with a MERV rating of 8 or higher. On average, MERV 8 filters can remove 85% of large air particles and 50% of small particles.

What MERV Rating is Needed to Combat Pet Dander and Allergies?

For pet dander and allergies, it is essential to use furnace filters with a MERV rating of 8 or higher. On average, MERV 8 filters can remove 85% of large air particles and 50% of small particles. According to ASHRAE, air filters with a MERV rating of 10 or higher are the best option for eliminating the smallest allergens found in the air, such as pet dander. The MERV 11 filter is even better at catching pet dander and bacteria when sneezing.

It also provides additional protection against smoke, smog, or car exhaust fumes that can seep from the garage. Filters with a MERV rating greater than 13 are tightly intertwined to capture potentially harmful contaminants. A MERV 13 furnace filter will work perfectly without creating unnecessary airflow problems, as it filters approximately 95% of large air particles and approximately 80% of small particles. Although some sites on the Internet talk about MERV 17-20 filters, the EPA and ASHRAE only rank them on the MERV scale from 1 to 16. Therefore, if you're looking for a filter furnace for pet dander and allergies, choose one with a higher performance index (MERV of 8 to 13). It's best to use a 13” MERV filter to protect yourself from bacteria that spread viruses, but you should also consider adding air quality solutions to your home. MERV 13 filters help protect against the spread of bacteria, sneezing particles, smoke, and virus-carrying germs.

The MERV 11 or, for homes where allergies and asthma are a priority, choose between a MERV 11 or, in most homes and commercial buildings, filters with a MERV rating between 8 and 13 will sufficiently filter the air. In conclusion, selecting an air filter with a MERV rating of 8 or higher, preferably MERV 13, is essential for pet owners to remove dander from the air.

Tammy Spangenberg
Tammy Spangenberg

Amateur coffeeaholic. Subtly charming internet guru. Devoted twitter junkie. Hardcore social media specialist. Award-winning writer. Wannabe twitter aficionado.

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